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What is PCIT?

October 22, 2024
Mental Health

Mental health treatment for young kids and their parents

Parents struggling to manage severe tantrums and negative attention-seeking behavior from their children have turned to a form of mental health treatment designed specifically for young kids.

Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) provides in-the-moment coaching for parents of young children between the ages of 2.5 and 7. It’s a two-phased approach to parental coaching that allows parents to get immediate therapist feedback on handling challenging situations with their young ones.

This evidence-based practice has been proven to:

  • Decrease frequency, severity, and duration of tantrums
  • Reduce negative attention-seeking behavior
  • Help parents with frustration
  • Increase feelings of security, safety, and attachment to the primary caregiver
  • Prolong attention span
  • Boost self-esteem
  • Improve pro-social behaviors, such as sharing and taking turns

During a therapy session, parents wear a “bug-in-the-ear” device so a provider can offer in-the-moment feedback from another location. This may mean watching through a two-way mirror or remotely if the appointment is virtual.

Managing Behavior While Remaining Calm

PCIT is generally offered in 15-20 sessions divided into two phases. The first phase focuses on strengthening the parent-child relationship, while phase two helps parents develop a calm and confident approach to discipline.

While there are many options for mental health support and counseling when parents are struggling with a child’s behavior, PCIT can offer an exciting opportunity. Rather than attempt to teach parenting, PCIT focuses on developing and mastering skills parents need to manage behavior in a way that strengthens the family relationship.

Improvements can take time, depending on the number of sessions and parental commitment to practicing outside therapy.

JSSA has immediate openings available for PCIT. Call 240-800-JSSA to learn more.

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